Thursday, 11 April 2013

Original ideas

The three images above demonstrate the first ideas I had when I first found out the theme of the unit two exam, I decided to look originally at spying, shadow and derelict buildings. The main idea i have chosen to pursuit is one of shadows and the form I want to convey them in is a children's book.   

Here I have brainstormed all the words and ideas I believe need to go into each individual aspect of the children's book, this I will use when putting together imagery and text.
Here I have four images I have hand drawn from my pinterest boards, to try and work with shadow I focussed a lot on the shading of the piece as this introduces all the ideas about light and dark that I will use in my final piece. 
These are my first basic sketches of my character ideas, I then built on these to produce my characters in ink that I will then further develop to create the main character of my children's book. 

This page shows some of my hand draw ideas for text on the cover of the book, I largely focussed on display type but included some more formal ideas for comparison and development.

Here I have four sketches that I then went on to ink, these ideas are my first ideas for the characters in my children's book that ic an then develop into images on my finished piece. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

pin boards

These are example of my pin board that include subject matter and similar artifacts in 'my stuff my thing' and inspiration in 'pinspiration'.

Monday, 8 April 2013

ideas in acrylic paint

This is my version of the image below, to which I have entitled 'bottles'.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Copies and emulations

This is the original image created by Jim Field entitled Bear, Brolly and Salmon. I have chosen to focus only only the head of the bear as the image is very complex. 

This is my copy of Bear, Brolly and Salmon done in the style of Jim Field using ink and brush to create the effect of fur.

This is an image that is part of my ideas for my final piece, a book cover. Below is my version done in the way of Jim Field who is the creator of the top image.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Photographs of my subject matter

The link below will take you to a slideshow I have created with all my images of subject matter, mainly shadows demonstrating how they react with the surface they are against but also I have images of a mere and a stream so I can try to visualise the habitat of the main character in my final piece, Sid the otter.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Children's book flat plan

I completed this exercise to gain a greater understanding of the type of image and style of writing that appeals to my target market, children. This helped me to visualise what i wanted to archive with the making of my children's book, the text aided me in the writing of the blurb, knowing the style and level of writing to use. The dimensions of the book the and the way in was created, specifically the dimensions of the cover itself that I can use to create my own creation.